
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

5 months!

Isaac is 5 months old! To celebrate his fifth month Isaac decided to start rolling over, and he hasn't stopped since. If I turn my back for two seconds he's already rolled over again...We even caught one of his first few roll overs on video (you can hear how excited we are on the video).

He has been so much fun to play with too. He's pretty easy to make giggle.

He also loves peak-a-boo.

We were recently at a wedding for my cousin, and while we were waiting for the ceremony to begin, I caught Isaac's Great-Grandpa Bartlett trying to play with him...

This is us in the airport back over Christmas break 

 Another cute one I found from the plane

 He likes to grab lips...

Little bug!

We've got more great news! Adam got a partial scholarship from BYU Law! We were already ecstatic that he got accepted but this definitely sweetened the deal! Adam has been starting to have dreams of Law & Order... haha, we'll see. We're still waiting to hear back on my grad keep your fingers crossed!

All our love - The Chevriers

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